Many Rhode Island homeowners know that over time, every oil tank will need to be replaced. The primary culprit is corrosion. Corrosion is caused by humidity inside the tank (the area where oil is not present) condensing and turning into water, which slowly eats away at your tank’s steel structure. Eventually, leaking can occur with the volume of the leak varying from slow and manageable to something rapid that requires emergency replacement.
How can you prevent this? It’s easier and more affordable than you think. For a low yearly fee, our Tank-Guard program protects your tank from corrosion using a special chemical inhibitor. But wait, there’s more! Under this program, we will also guarantee the life of your oil tank and will replace it free of charge (subject to the quite-reasonable terms outlined in the Tank-Guard warranty) if it were to fail while covered by Tank-Guard. Any homeowner living in Rhode Island is eligible to sign-up. There are no catches, hidden fees, or tricks – just order oil from GetNetFuels at least 3 times in a one-year period to maintain your eligibility.